Environment & Climate Change

Challenges and Impacts

 Climate change, coupled with human-induced environmental degradation, posing an imminent threat to the present and future generation of Somali rural communities.  Frequent, intensive, and prolonged droughts, flash flooding, water scarcity, deforestation, land degradation and soil erosion are the major contributors to rural poverty, food insecurity, diseases, social conflicts and rural exodus.  Climate change is predicted to get worse and will cause further devastating impacts on the livelihoods of rural communities.  The most devastating natural disaster occurred in the past 10 years, such 2011, 2016 and 2017 droughts, destructive flooding in 2019, 2020 and 2021 and again droughts in 2022 and 2023.

In monetary terms, the World Bank estimated that the drought impacts exceeded $3,25 billion loss, without including the loss of human lives.  The images below highlights the impacts of climate change on rural communities. 

Dryland and top soil ersion

Rural Flooding Shabelle River

Livestock in distress 

Locusts outbreak affect food security

Impact on food security

Devastating loss of livestock

Hot blown wind

Dry river bed

Diseases & Malnutrition

Building Resilience

 SRD - think tank strives to promote building the resilience and the capacity of small farmers and producers on  climate change adaptation.  Rural communities rely on their livelihoods on land and natural resources and they are disproportionally affected by increasing risks of climate change.  Rural communities cannot wait until next disaster strikes again and millions of people die for hunger, diseases and malnutrition.   We advocate to implement innovative solution to build the resilience, including bit not limited: